For the longest time I've been having trouble hearing.
It's been especially bothersome when I'm in a crowded restaurant, having dinner with friends, trying to hear what they are saying and trying to respond accordingly.
Here at Brooksby, I'm having dinner practically every night with a group of at least five friends at a large table. The dining room is noisy, crowded and to add insult to injury, some of my friends speak like they are telling me a major secret!
I know that I have a hearing problem, but those sweet, dear friends not only talk with the softest voices you ever heard, BUT two of those genteel ladies hold their hands in front of their mouths like they think I will attack them!
I have told them to speak up but just maybe they don't hear me!
When I'm home watching TV, I can raise the volume to my liking and I have no problem.
When I see a foreign film, I have no problem because I can read the subtitles.
When I have a conversation with one or two people in a quiet environment I'm fine, no problem.
One night at dinner I DID HEAR one of my friends say that she goes to an audiologist here at Brooksby Village and is pleased with the care she is receiving.
A few friends have told me about problems they have had getting their hearing aids adjusted and having to go time after time to get the right "sound."
That has been a turn-off for me - paying lots of bucks and still having problems with the hearing aids.
Ok, I'm willing to pay the price.
I accept that, as long as I don't have to travel a distance every time I need an adjustment.
When I learned that my friend is pleased with the audiologist right here at Brooksby, I called, made an appointment, and will see him in a few weeks!
What experiences have you had getting fitted for a set of "new ears?"
I'm looking forward to HEARING from you!